Winston-Salem Jaycees

The Winston-Salem, NC area's organization of choice for adults 21-40 to develop personal, business and leadership skills through community service and organizational involvement.

I'm a Winston-Salem Jaycee because:

Nikki Miller-Ka

I'm a Winston Salem Jaycee, because I like making a difference in the world.

Nikki Miller-Ka, Former Board Member


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How to Buy a House, and the Insurance to go with it

WS Jaycees Office 223 N. Spring St, Unit A, Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Are you interested in buying a house? Are you overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Do you need homeowner’s insurance? Is it time for you to renew your homeowner’s insurance policy, and you want to make some changes? Join the Winston-Salem Jaycees for a fun and informative evening on how to accomplish these tasks! […]

Christmas Cheer

TBD NC, United States

For more than 30 years, the Winston-Salem Jaycees have partnered with a community agency to identify in-need children who could benefit from some Christmas Cheer.  The event will be held on Saturday, 12/11/2021 at the Target store on University Parkway with a TBD time. Once a community agency is chosen and depending on the COVID-19 […]

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