Winston-Salem Jaycees

The Winston-Salem, NC area's organization of choice for adults 21-40 to develop personal, business and leadership skills through community service and organizational involvement.

I'm a Winston-Salem Jaycee because:

Nikki Miller-Ka

I'm a Winston Salem Jaycee, because I like making a difference in the world.

Nikki Miller-Ka, Former Board Member

(Pi)e and (Pi)nts Fundraiser for OYL

(Pi)e and (Pi)nts Fundraiser for OYL

Click here for date and location of this year’s event.

Pi Day, after the mathematical irrational constant π that represents the ratio between a circles circumference and diameter, is celebrated annually world-wide on March 14th due to its rounded value of 3.14.

We will have an event to celebrate Pi Day and also to raise funds for our Outstanding Young Leaders (OYL) Scholarship Program. The OYL Scholarship Program awards and recognizes emerging youth leaders by providing scholarship awards to celebrate the achievements of 10 outstanding high school seniors who attend and reside in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County.

This event will be a pie competition. Individuals can enter their pie for $8 per entry. There will be 4 categories: Dessert, Savory/Dinner, Fruit, and Best Overall. Guests will gather to taste and judge the pies. For tasting attendees, the fee will be $10, which includes tasting of all of the pies. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the OYL Scholarship Fund. There will be also be pints of gelato available for sale.

Pie competitors will be asked to bake their pies in advance and a copy of their recipe with them to the competition. We will award certificates to the three winners and a larger gift to the “Best Overall” winner.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Register for this Event

  • Please choose number of tickets or enter "0" for none
  • Enter one or more pies for competition! Also includes a 1 tasting ticket.
    Price: $8.00
  • Get a pie tasting ticket and sample all the pies!
    Price: $10.00
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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